Lemonade Wars

Publisher Comments:

Evan Treski is people-smart. He is good at talking with people, even grownups. His younger sister, Jessie, on the other hand, is math-smartbut not especially good at understanding people. She knows that feelings are her weakest subject. So when their lemonade war begins, there really is no telling who will winand even more important, if their fight will ever end.

Here is a clever blend of humor and math fun. As it captures the one-of-a-kind bond between brother and sister, this poignant novel subtly explores how arguments can escalate beyond anyones intent.


'The basics of economics take backseat to Evan and Jessie\'s realizations about themselves and their relationship. Davis . . . does a good job of showing the siblings\' strengths, flaws, and points of view in this engaging chapter book.'


With a clever blend of humor and math fun, this funny, fresh, and poignant novel about competing lemonade stands captures the one-of-a-kind bond between brother and sister, and subtly explores how arguments can escalate beyond anyone's intent.


  1. This book is really good. It has how to run a lemonade stand how to work out shortcuts in math to make more money. Just reding the book makes me want to have a glass of lemonade.

  2. I have already read this book, but I am going to reread it. I love this book! It is really funny and very very good! If you would like to contact Jacqueline Davies her email address is


  3. Hi Meghan, I think you should email her and invite her to join in our "conversation" here on this site. Just give her this web address! (I was planning on inviting Gennifer Choldenko to do the same!)

    Arianna- I'll have to bring lemonade to the meeting!

    What about that brother/sister relationship? Can anyone else relate?

    ~Mrs. Highfill

  4. I like the way the book switches perspectives. The same situation is told from Evan's point of view and then from Jessie's. Lots of miscommunication! That part of the story reminds me of the book Flipped- the whole book is like that.

    Also, I keep thinking these kids are older than fourth grade- they seem more like 5th graders to me. I'm not sure why, I will have to think more about that and get back to you, it's just a sense I get from how they are acting. What do you think?

  5. When I first started reading the Lemonade Wars I was not sure I liked it, but after the first few chapters I fell in love with it! I would definetly recommend this book!

  6. It was a pretty good book. It was also a good time killer.

    ~ Tara Joshi

  7. Lemonade wars was kind of boring at first but after the lemonade war started it was really fun and exciting to read! I recommend this book to everybody!!!!
